Our brand was created in response to requests from clients of Ruby on SaaS - our mother company of which we are a part.
Our primary brand Ruby on SaaS is highly specialised in developing mobile and web applications for clients around the world, which is why we initially declined to develop websites in our home market.
However, the piling up of enquiries about creating websites and online shops led us to take an interest in this line of development. And so, in 2022, the Ruby on Sites brand that we are so proud of was born.
Today we can proudly say that we are a group of passionate professionals who strive to achieve the best results. Our work is based on full commitment and high quality execution of projects. We are constantly developing our skills to deliver better and better solutions.
He has more than 6 years of experience as a senior developer, and for the last 3 years he has successfully held the role of CTO at Ruby on SaaS and then also at Ruby on Sites. He owes his position as CEO, however, to his excellent management skills and extensive business experience.
His steadfast determination and ability to continuously solve problems help him to make difficult decisions and successfully achieve his goals.
His passion and commitment to the technology industry contribute to the continuous development of both brands and building their strong position in the international and local market.
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